Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I don't want the government in my bedroom...

Today I read that Hugh Hefner is taking issue with the use of birth control and women's sexual behavior as a political platform. Honestly, it's about time. I'm not a prude by any means, but I also believe that people have the right to do what they feel is best for them. Why is it politicians feel they can dictate what a woman does? Is it just easier to bully women around then face the real issues that we as a nation are facing?

Saying that a woman should not have access to birth control because it will make her want to have sex is absurd. I suppose the next step will be to go back to the idea that if a woman is raped it is her fault. We are not living in the dark ages anymore. We are in a technological age of enlightenment, we fight wars to insure the freedoms of third world populations, but women in the United States are supposed to let the government have control over their uterus.

I think it is wonderful that female law makers across the country are introducing bills to restrict men's access to drugs like Viagra. If women are not supposed to have sex, why are we giving men drugs to make them want to perform? Conservatives really need to straighten out what message they are trying to get across.

This is how I see it: women should not get access to birth control because it will make them want to have sex. Apparently women should not have sex for enjoyment, it is a physical obligation in order to continue the species. Men are told they are not masculine if they refrain from intercourse, they are given drugs to insure they can continue to procreate long after their bodies have naturally told them to stop. So men can have sex, women can't. Who are men supposed to be having sex with? Conservatives say homosexuality is wrong, so what are we really supposed to be getting from this?

My belief is that if women can not have birth control or abortions, men should not have Viagra or vasectomies.  Now, I do not believe in abortion as birth control. I have struggled for years to get pregnant so the idea that a girl would abort a child when I can't have one just makes me sick. However, I also understand that every woman has the right to do what she wants with her body. Where is the sexual equality?

I am not conservative, not be any stretch of the imagination, but I do believe in family values. I do believe in the importance and preciousness of marriage and family. I do believe I can make better choices for my body and my life than a politician who does not know me and has no medical education. I think we all need to remind the politicians that they have no place in our bedrooms, so stop trying to use it as a road to office.