Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome To My Life

So this is my little corner of the web to rant about and contemplate whatever random thoughts come into my wacky little head. And I will talk about pretty much anything - news, random events from history that strike me as interesting, or the general idiocy I see in the world around me.

I don't promise anything particularly important or informative, but hopefully it will be mildly entertaining. This blog is my personal Op-Ed outlet, but I wouldn't mind hearing what other people think. I completely respect other people's opinions, even those that disagree with mine. I believe that discussion is the best way to learn about the world around us and if all people did was agree with each there really wouldn't be that much to learn.

I may not be consistent on my postings, but I will try to keep the site from being boring. Mostly, these are my thoughts and opinions. I don't claim them to be perfect, right, or, at times, all that logical. But they are mine. I think for myself and encourage others to do the same. Agree with me or not, at least you're exploring a new school of thought.

All that being said, have fun and life will always be interesting...

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