Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Little Rant About Gas Prices and Presidents

Every so often someone decides to post a meme, picture, quote or what have you about gas prices and how much lower they were when Bush was in office. Yes, gas prices have gone up but that really shouldn't surprise anyone. Everything has gotten more expense. Here's a quick fact for you,  the price of gasoline increased from $1.60 per gallon when (Bush) took office in January 2001 to $4.40 per gallon in July 2008, a jump of 275 percent.*  Bush was ridiculed and blamed for escalating gas prices during his term, and I'm pretty sure they've gone up steadily since the automobile became affordable for everyone. So why are we spending so much time saying it's all Obama's fault. There are a lot of factors that set the price of gas - not one man sitting in an oval office.

And here's something we should all keep in mind: Gas is going to get more expensive! Why? Because oil is not a renewable resource. There is only so much of it in the ground. As it becomes more scarce, which it will as we continue to use it, the cost will continue to go up. It's supply and demand - as the supply runs out, if the demand remains the same, the value goes up and it becomes more expensive. What I don't understand is how huge corporations can understand this fact and not be investing in renewable energy sources so they can continue to make money well after the oil supply is gone.

This is what irritates me: Everyone wants to blame the president for whatever is wrong, regardless of political party or what the issues are. I don't believe there has ever been a president that everyone loved. For every critical or negative thing that can be said about one president, just as many can be said about the previous president. So the next time you want to blame Obama for gas prices, stop to consider if the families of military personnel who died in Iraq looking for weapons that weren't there blame Bush for the loss of their loved one.

Our system is not perfect, but no system is. Our country is led by the men and women of all three branches of government, not just one man. Instead of complaining about how bad everything is, do something about it. Write to your representatives that you want jobs brought back to this country, we want a budget that helps the people who really need it, we want a feeling of peace and that our country really is the best in the world again. We are a nation "of the people, for the people and by the people" - WE are the people and we choose who represents us, if you don't like who is there now, don't vote for them again.


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