Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The First Of May

It is the first day of May. A new month, a new season and new opportunities. One thing it means for me is that I am only a short time from getting my garden in the ground. Growing up in Southern California, I never had a chance to grow things. My mother hardly had a green thumb or the time to even attempt to keep a house plant alive. Living in rented homes and apartments were never all that conducive to learning about gardening. Had you told me twenty years ago that one day I would be excited about planting a garden and canning the harvest, I would have told you you were crazy.

Now that I live in a small town in Southern Idaho, I have a huge back yard with cherry trees and plenty of space for a garden. Last year my husband and I built four raised garden boxes. We have several garden spaces set up for flowers, but the boxes are strictly for vegetables. I love my garden, I love knowing where my food has come from.

Yes, canning vegetables takes a lot of time and a lot of work. But knowing that my food is clean, free of preservatives, excess salt, and chemicals is well worth the time and energy. Now I'm not the kind that goes all health food crazy or insists on organic everything. I am all about convenience - I like foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Let's face it, we are all extremely busy so having healthy food on hand, ready to go on a moments notice makes life a little easier.

Not everyone can have big gardens, but if you can enjoy it. Take the time to be outside, playing in the dirt, growing foods that will help keep your family healthy. In the long run it may also save you quite a bit of money.

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